Transgressive Sounds and Atmospheres Curation
Le Groupe de recherche sur les humanités juridiques vous convie à l’événement Transgressive Sounds and Atmospheres :
Concert :
Date : 24 mai 2022
Heure : 20h00
Lieu : St. Jax, 1439 rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, Montréal
Description de l’événement (en anglais seulement) : Transgressive Sounds and Atmospheres is a unique curatorial research creation that will explore the sensory and affective experience of the political, ethical, and transgressive dimensions of new, avant-garde, improvisational, sound art, and extreme musics. The goal of the project is to allow participants to experience musics and soundscapes that challenge conventional music spaces and audience experiences: the curation will challenge listeners to sit within contrasting affective time-space atmospheres and invite them to think through such things as their own conceptions of music, sound, and timbre. The mixing and hybridization of musical genres will contribute to the transgressing of affective time-space atmospheres of individual genres and allow for a unique exploration of the possibilities of sonic envelopment and noise in shaping experience. The curatorial aspect of the project will be highlighted by a diversity of artists and contrasting conceptions of musical, sonic, spatial and atmospheric transgressions. The project aims to contribute to the Concordia community and its unique strengths in the sensory, sonic, musical, and multi-media fields and to give exposure to Montreal and Concordia-based musician and sound artists. The event is currently supported by Concordia Aid to Research Related Events, The Center for Sensory Studies, CISSC, Concordia Sociology and Anthropology Department, and Quebec-based legal humanities network, le Groupe de recherche sur les humanités juridiques. By inviting the participants to dive into a deep listening soundscape this research creation project seeks to develop a new atmospheric approach to music performance and cultural analyses to explore the relationship between community, sound, aesthetics, and normativity.
Performances par (en anglais seulement) :
– Chantale Laplante‘s artistic practice resembles a long exploration of different genres involving instrumental, mixed, electroacoustic music and improvisation with a computer. It is in the context of her studies in Études et pratiques des arts at UQAM (Ph. D. 2021) that she began a new reflection on listening conditions. Placing the body of the listener at the center of her devices, she seeks to offer a sensitive experience where the work continues its march, in a sound space anchored in the atmosphere of the place.
Chambre d’écoute, is a 30-minute piece for percussion, improvised sound and live electronics. With Barah Héon-Morissette, percussion/ Ana Tapia, jeux sonores / Chantale Laplante, électronique / Guillaume Barrette, programmation et direction technique / Hugo Dalphond, environnement lumière. This piece has been sponsored and supported by the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec; matralab; Hexagram; and UQAM.
– Hubert Gendron-Blais is an author, musician, activist and researcher working at the confluence of philosophy, music and politics, straining to hear to social and aesthetic movements with a particular attention to the concepts of affect and community: the vibrant materiality of sound; a sonic topology of politics, the affective resonance of collective assemblages.
Ce Qui Nous Traverse: An ensemble seeking to capture the intensive vibrations that compose the surrounding ambiances.
– Rémy Bélanger de Beauport is a free-improv cellist artistic whose practice as an experimental musician date back to his teenage years. Influenced by Karlheinz Stockhausen and Nirvana, he’s produced recordings since 2003. His approach is based on the body, intuition and interaction, sound textures and an intense focus on unfolding structures.